Silence (NewSpirit&Music, 26 May 2021)

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26 May 2021, 18:00 Buda Castle Church (Budapest, 1st district, Táncsics Mihály u. 28.)

Jonathan Harvey: Mortuous Plango, Vivos Voco

Bálint Bolcsó: New piece – world premiere (with Dóra Pétery, organ)

Bálint Laczkó: Itara – world premiere

Zsolt Cselenák: Fluctus

Máté Labus: Alma - world premiere

Mihály Kádár: Scattered space - world premiere

Jázon Kováts: Vonalak – world premiere


The pieces by Bálint Bolcsó, Bálint Laczkó, Máté Labus, Mihály Kádár, and Jázon Kováts Jázon were commissioned by the Sonus Foundation for the special accoustics of the Buda Castle Church.


The second event of the series NewSpirit&Music (2020-21). The concert series NewSpirit&Music includes four concerts focusing on four symbols: the equilibrium, the reach, the light, and the silence. Artistic director: Ajtony Csaba.


The concert is free and is held with audience. Participants should follow the pandemic regulation (wearing a mask, seating at appointed seats), and need to register in advance here.


Supported by Hungarian Cultural Fund.